August Run

hot road

There’s a ‘hummm’ in the air as it rushes across your ears
It’s not from running fast
Oh no…
The ‘hummm’ is that little tease of a breeze
Trying to trick you into believing cool air will follow
But it won’t…and you know it won’t
You know because you feel that tickle of sweat that is beginning to glow above your upper lip
You know because the ‘pad pad pad’ of your feet as they connect with the black tar is almost overwhelmed by the cicadas’ song
You know because each time you emerge from a shadow, the sun assaults the back of your neck – and it’s only nine in the morning
You know — because it’s August

6 thoughts on “August Run

  1. Until a road trip on Route 66 headed east from California, I never experienced the sound of locust. From what I have read the cicadas are even louder. Now that I have experienced those sounds, as well as the heat and humidity of the south, you poem paints a vivid picture in my mind. Even through it can climb well above 100 degrees F where I live (114 is the hottest so far) we at least get an ocean breeze in the late evening.

      • Normally this time of year our temperatures are 95 to 105 for the month of August (humidity 15 to 30 percent). It is not unusual to have a two week stretch of 101-106 degree weather every day (not much work gets done outside on the weekends except early in the morning or late in the evening). Today it is only 71 degrees which is good because I’m helping my daughter with some major car repairs after work today.

      • I’m looking forward to it. HollyAnn will only be around for another 6 or so months. Then she is planning to join the Peace Corps for two years. I’m really going to miss her.

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